Five foreign workers, who live, work and sleep nearby, yet their homes and their entire existence are on a very different intersecting.
They were photographed on a neutral background, dissociating them from their surroundings and providing no clues as to their
profession, focusing instead on their expression and body language.
They stand ambiguously in front of the camera: simply and directly, as they are, and yet not wholly giving themselves,
somewhat indifferent and unresolved.
The work process investigates the look at the stranger. The natural response is avoiding eye contact for various reasons:
we feel uncomfortable, we are frightened, and they all look the same to us.
Most of the work was done following the photography sessions, after the real physical person was gone.
Each subject creates a different process, urging the viewer to look at the image for another moment,
in a different manner than he is accustomed to, sometimes intimately, face to face.